Remarkable in more than one way, David Brog's volume on Judeo-Christian history, its ideas and ideals as well as its conflicts, is an important contribution to the understanding of events that transcend contemporary issues and sensitivities."ûElie Wiesel" ""David Brog insightfully explores the rich foundations of many of our nation's most important values and makes a compelling case for why they are worth defending:ûSenator Joseph Lieberman" ""Judaism and Christianity have different theologies. But the Judeo-Christian value system is the greatest value system ever devised. As one who has argued this for decades, I can say with some certainty that David Brog has accomplished something truly major with his book. He has made the caseûirrefutably, I believe that the rejection of the Judeo-Christian idea has led and will again lead to vast human evil and suffering. This is more than an important book. This is an indispensible guide to a better world:'-Dennis Prager, Nationally syndicated radio talk show host and columnist, author, and founder of the Internet-based Prager University" "Religious Faith is under assault. In books, movies, and on television, secular critics are attacking religion and the religious with ever-increasing intensity. These "new atheists" typically repeat a two-part mantra: They claim that only an idiot could believe in God, and that idiots who do so have been responsible for most of the hate and violence that have plagued humanity. Abandon religion, they urge, and the world will finally know peace." "Surprisingly few books have emerged to defend faith from this onslaught. Yet when it comes to this second argumentûthe behavior of religious people in the worldûabstract claims can be tested by reference to objective facts. In Defense of Faith examines the historical record and demonstrates that far from encouraging hate and aggression, the Judeo-Christian tradition has been the West's most effective curb on these dangerous defects of human nature." "In Defense of Faith makes a compelling case that the belief in the sanctity and equality of all humans at the core of both Judaism and Christianityûwhat Brog calls the "Judeo-Christian idea"ûhas been our most effective tool in the struggle for humanity. The Judeo-Christian idea, Brog argues, has provided the intellectual foundation for human rights. Even more importantly, he maintains, the Judeo-Christian idea has repeatedly inspired the faithful to devote their lives to, and often risk their lives in, the fulfillment of these high ideals." "In Defense of Faith also convincingly demonstrates that when we abandon religion as the critics urge, peace does not break out. Instead, we quickly revert to the most base instincts of our selfish genes." "Written by Jewish author who works closely with the Christian faith community, in Defense if Faith will appeal to secular and religious readers alike. This book will challenge the secular to reconsider the role of religion in Western civilization. It will inspire the religious to embrace a proud legacy of faith in action for the sake of humanity."--BOOK JACKET.